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  • Can you tell a little bit more about yourself? For example about your career and how old you are?
    Of course. I am a native of East Westphalia and was born in December 1973. My professional career is diverse: After graduating from high school, I trained as a hotel manager, then worked in the event and media sector and then studied business communication in Berlin. In 2006 I became self-employed with my own speaker agency, i.e. I marketed keynote speakers and placed them with companies. In 2009/2010 I had a burnout, which from today's perspective was my turning point in life, because I changed my life very radically afterwards. I have been coaching executives since 2011. Little by little, my seminars, group coaching, my lecture and energy work were added. When I was 16, I was an exchange student in South Africa for a year and when I was in my early 20s I lived in London for 1.5 years. When I was a teenager, I actually wanted to be a dancer or dreamed of becoming an astronaut, because I always wanted to go out into the cosmos and the stars. This vastness and this glow! I liked that a lot as a child. Today I also know why: Because this is my real home. I wasn't really aware of that, so I lived for years with the feeling that "this isn't the right place for me". And since I didn't know my soul plan / life plan either, I ended up getting my burnout to remember why I'm here. Namely to support you in your consciousness processes. That's why I'm here. This is my story. What's your story? If you want to explore them, feel free to contact me .
  • What are you actually trained in and where did you do your training?
    After my hotel management training (Marriott Hotel) and my degree in communications (HTW, Berlin), I completed the following training courses after my burnout: Systemic business coach(International Academy Berlin for innovative education, psychology and economics gGmbH (INA), Berlin Burnout consultant(Paracelsus School, Berlin) Hero tour guide (somehow different, Leipzig) Dealing with trauma (Trauma Therapy Institute, Berlin) Gestalt therapist (somehow different, Leipzig) Company Health Manager(IST Study Institute, Düsseldorf) Energetic/Medial Counselor (Julianerutscher, Berlin) In addition, there are countless workshops and seminars in mindfulness training, MBSR, stress management, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and non-violent communication.
  • How exactly do you work? Which methods do you use?
    First of all, I work with people on an equal footing. I see people, not roles or job positions. I am open, appreciative and yes, full of loving anticipation - for things that may show up. I like consciousness processes and accompany them. Regardless of whether it is a coaching or seminar. Because as soon as people take time for themselves, stop and look inward, something happens. I find that very exciting and it is precisely this "material" that I work with. With what shows up. I go on a journey with my counterpart, so to speak. He or she takes me a bit with him. Shows me his or her world in the form of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, body sensations, behavior ... From time to time there are "stones in the way" such as blockages, resistance, defense mechanisms, projections etc. that are not (anymore) are really useful. I then explore this together with my counterpart by asking the question Ah, tell me, that interests me. How do you make it happen that you think like this, feel this or sense those sensations? In a longer coaching process, my focus is on self-acceptance and self-empowerment. Because when the client experiences firsthand that he or she creates things themselves - positively as well as negatively, that is a really great aha experience and an immense step in consciousness. Methodically, I use systemic coaching, gestalt therapy and media work in my work. Depending on what is pending and what is needed at the moment. The client or the participants in the seminar show me the way.
  • What are your priorities?
    Due to my own burnout experience and the resulting awareness journey, I have the following priorities: Operational awareness work Burnout prevention / support in burnout Company health management Mental health (at work) Mindfulness Training Stress management training Resilience training Self-reflection / self-knowledge Stress management / self-regulation Media energy work in companies
  • What is the goal of your work?
    The aim of my work is for people to perceive and feel themselves again. Most people are so in functional mode that they don't even notice themselves anymore. In the long run, this can lead to exhaustion, burnout, depression, illness and symptoms of all kinds. Because let's be honest: when do we take time for ourselves, stop and feel inside ourselves? Very rarely, right? We usually only react when something has already happened. Hardly anyone would think of doing preventive awareness work and self-reflection. That's where I come in and convey: Hey, that's my story. What's yours? I want to tell you something: I went on a journey of exploration and it's really worth it if you want to come to yourself. I've recognized for myself how I've pulled myself away from myself. But the good thing is: Since I did it myself (no one else) I'm able to change it myself. I can also find the way to myself . Isn't that fantastic? But it takes self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-responsibility." That's what I mean by awareness work. That is the goal of my work.
  • What use does a company have if it books you?
    The benefits for you as a company are very diverse: First of all, I come to your company as an external person who is not involved in day-to-day operations. That means I bring an independence, an objectivity and an outside perspective that can be very valuable for you. My personality is very open, authentic and inspires trust. People trust me very quickly because I open up a space for what is human and essential. I am not only professionally trained in accompanying people, but have also experienced deep processes of consciousness in my life and have lived through crises (such as my burnout). With my empathetic and approachable manner, I manage to create a WE feeling within your group or team, in which people show themselves and the respective roles take a back seat. I invite you as a leader or manager to be a part of this group process. Because without your participation, there will be no sustainable transformation in your business. It stands or falls with you. That's why it's so important that you, as a manager, are on board. If so, you will have the following benefits: Healthy and responsible employees Competent and healthy handling in stressful situations More energy, motivation and joie de vivre Higher self-confidence of employees in their own abilities WE feeling in the team or across teams Strong employee identification with the company
  • Do you also offer your mindfulness seminars in the monastery?
    Yes, I also offer my mindfulness seminars in the monastery or in another special place - depending on what you are looking for for your team. I am happy to offer the location search for an additional charge. For the mindfulness seminars, it makes sense to book a special place in nature, where there is sometimes little cell phone reception, in order to really slow down. If you have any questions about the location, feel free to Contact me.
  • Do you only work for companies or do you also accompany private individuals?
    I mainly work as a freelancer in a company context, but I also support private individuals from time to time. Either in individual coaching or in an online group setting or seminar. If you are interested, please contact me or subscribe to my inspirational letter. I send it out once a month and use it to communicate my public events, among other things. Enter here: Inspiration letter
  • What exactly do the participants learn from you?
    The participants in my seminars or clients in the coaching learn or experience to perceive themselves again or to take time for their thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. That's the first learning goal: to take time at all: for yourself and your own inner world. When I'm open and ready for it and can perceive things inside me, name them and accept them with love, something changes immediately. According to the Gestalt therapist Werner Bock: What is allowed to be, what is allowed to be can change." In my work I make offers to explore oneself: Own thought patterns and beliefs (the loving and the destructive) Own feelings (the lively and repressed ones) Own body sensations (the flowing and the fixed ones) Every insight, every impulse, every aha moment is so incredibly valuable for the participants because this experience brings them a little closer to themselves. And the great thing is: The participants or clients go their own way. Supported by me and if it is a seminar setting, each individual is also supported by the entire group. The group settings and group processes should not be ignored, as they are already very powerful and supportive.
  • Ist dein Angebot nicht Therapie?
    Ich weiß nicht, was du unter Therapie verstehst. Wenn du darunter verstehst: - Dass du dir selbst bewusst wirst: JA, dann ist es Therapie - Dass du dich fühlen und spüren wirst: JA, dann ist es Therapie - Dass du auch mal Themen aus deiner Kindheit berührst: JA, dann ist es Therapie - Dass ihr euch miteinander verbindet: JA, dann ist es Therapie - Dass es nur um private ODER nur berufliche Themen geht: NEIN, dann ist es keine Therapie - Dass du eine Diagnose von mir bekommst / pathologisiert wirst: NEIN, dann ist es keine Therapie - Dass du meine Arbeit mit der Krankenkasse abrechnen kannst: NEIN, dann ist es keine Therapie Ich bin u.a. ausgebildet als systemischer Business-Coach, Heldenreisenleiterin, Gestalttherapeutin und mediale Mentorin. Ich habe Fortbildungen in "Umgang mit Trauma", "Burnout-Begleitung" und "Begleitung von mörderischer Wut". Ich arbeite irdisch und energetisch und betrachte den Menschen als ganzheitliches Wesen: Als Körper, Geist und Seele. Mit privaten UND beruflichen Themen, die nicht wirklich getrennt voneinander zu betrachten sind. Mein Verständnis ist fernab von Diagnosen, von "gesund" und "krank". Meine Definition von Gestalttherapie: Die Gestalttherapie ist ein psychotherapeutisches Verfahren, das der humanistischen Psychologie zugeschrieben wird. Die Gestalttherapie interpretiert das traditionell medizinische Krankheitsmodell und die festgelegten Normen von „gesund” und „krank” anders, indem es die sogenannten "Kontaktstörungen" oder "Kontaktunterbrechungen" beleuchtet. Die Gestalttherapie hat ein ganzheitlichen Weltbild, in dem der Mensch als Einheit von Körper, Geist und Seele, eingebunden in ein soziales und ökologisches Umfeld, betrachtet wird. Die Gestalttherapie ist keine Gesprächstherapie, in der man "darüber geredet", Dinge interpretiert oder man analysiert wird. Das heißt nicht, dass nicht auch geredet wird, doch der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Erleben des Kienten im Hier und Jetzt: Im Dialog mit dem Therapeuten und mittels Bewusstwerdung von Empfindungen, Gefühlen, Gedanken, Bedürfnissen, Phantasien ... Das Körperliche Nachspüren – und aus der jeweiligen Situation entwickeltes Experimentieren (mit dem Therapeuten als Gegenüber) – führen zu einem Veränderungsprozess und letztendlich zu neuen Verhaltensweisen. Die Gestalttherapie wird nicht von den Krankenkassen übernommen, systemisches Coaching auch nicht und die mediale Energiearbeit schon mal gar nicht – alles zu ganzheitlich ;-)
  • When you say you open a space, what exactly do you mean by that?
    When I say "I open a space," I mean energetically cleansing it (myself included, by the way) and preparing it into a safe and secure space. Afterwards, I show myself very authentically in contact with my participants and clients, which opens up another field, namely connectedness. Because this is the only way for me to work on awareness, because in my perception this is based on security and trust.
  • Du bietest auch Energiearbeit an. Was genau meinst du damit?
    Bei der Energiearbeit "arbeite" ich im energetischen / feinstofflichen Raum. In meinem Weltbild gibt es sowohl die materielle als auch die feinstoffliche Ebene. Ich persönlich halte diese Bereiche für ganz wesentlich – insbesondere, wenn es um GANZHEITLICHE TRANSFORMATION geht. Ich kombiniere sozusagen die Gestalttherapie mit der energetischen Ebene. Wenn du dich privat für Energiearbeit interessierst, schau gerne bei ASHARA HEALING vorbei. Da findest du einige meiner Angebote.
  • How do you differ from other coaches or trainers?
    not optimizing, but perceiving and feeling more no training, but more of a coaching I have a red thread, but go with the individual group processes and work with what is currently in the foreground (which at the same time always fits the topic) can deal with feelings work with glitches that are there (in the foreground) Show me authentic Gestalt therapy and media attitude Storytelling own experience of burnout / crisis / clinic etc.
  • Do you also offer a workshop on "Healthy Leadership"?
    Yes, I can design a workshop on the subject of "healthy leadership for you. That's no problem at all. I offer this together with my business partner Ulf Kepper. Ulf is a former top manager who worked for many years at board level and today (after a burnout) successfully coaches executives. Together we have a website plus a joint podcast: MANAGER IM BURNOUT . Feel free to listen and if you are interested in a workshop with both of us, please contact me: Contact
  • Bietest du auch ein Jahrestraining an?
    Ja, zusammen mit Ulf Kepper, der vor seinem eigenen Burnout auf Vorstandsebene gearbeitet hat, biete ich das ganzheitliches Jahrestraining NEXT LEVEL LEADERSHIP TRAINING an. In dem Training kombinieren wir unsere beiden Expertisen, so dass das Training tatsächlich einzigartig ist. Ulf begleitet rund um das Thema Mananager-Wissen und mein Part ist die intrinsiche / psychologische Ebene. Wir beleuchten die Führungskräfteentwicklung somit von zwei Perspektiven, die für eine GESUNDE FÜHRUNG unabdingbar ist. Weitere Infos zum Jahrestraining für Führungskräfte findest du hier: NEXT LEVEL LEADERSHIP TRAINING
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